
Corvus frugilegus pastinator is a bird species commonly known as the Pastinator Rook. It belongs to the Corvidae family and is closely related to other members of the crow family, including rooks and ravens. The Latin word "pastinator" is the second/third-person singular future passive imperative form of the verb "pastinō," which means "dig or trench the ground of a vineyard".

Cropped version of a photograph by Martin Addison, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Pastinator Rook is predominantly found in grassland and agricultural areas of certain regions. It has a distinct appearance, characterized by a black plumage with a purplish-blue sheen. The bird has a robust build with a stout bill and strong legs, enabling it to forage for food on the ground. It can be distinguished from other corvids through its lighter bill, and a patch of bare skin around the base of its bill.

In terms of diet, the Pastinator Rook primarily feeds on invertebrates, such as insects, earthworms, and grubs. However, its name "pastinator" suggests that it also has a penchant for grazing on grasses and plants found in pastures, particularly during the breeding season when it may require additional nutrients. This behavior is relatively unique among corvids and sets the Pastinator Rook apart from its close relatives like ravens and rooks, which have different feeding preferences.

When observing a group of corvids, the Pastinator Rook can be distinguished by its characteristic behavior of pecking and probing the ground for food, as well as occasionally feeding on grasses. Its distinct appearance, coupled with its foraging habits, helps birdwatchers and researchers identify this species within the corvid family.